Wellness: You’ll love how you feel.

lavendar field at sunrise

More than ‘disease management’ of your current symptoms is possible. Imagine yourself enjoying these benefits of wellness:

  • Abundant energy
  • Restful sleep
  • Balanced hormones
  • A healthy weight
  • Stable mood
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Freedom from chronic discomfort and pain

My overall mission is to help people attain optimal health, maximum vitality and longevity, and freedom from chronic disease, so that they can live happy, fulfilling lives.

Every day in my office, I see people learning how to rejuvenate their health and enjoying the benefits of wellness. These are regular people with busy lives, who achieve success through the sum of small steps. If they can do it, so can you.

Rejuvenate Your Health and Happiness

Attaining wellness is a profound investment in your present and future health and happiness. Being well makes everything else possible.

Longevity Wellness Care

Maximize Your Longevity, Naturally

Naturopathic medicine is based on the premise that living organisms are self-healing. A naturopathic doctor (naturopath, ND) knows how to restore health, by treating the root causes of disease. We are experts in how to create and maintain wellness. I will help you reach your maximum potential for vitality and longevity.

fernIn naturopathic medicine, there is an emphasis on natural, noninvasive, nontoxic therapies that cause no harm to the patient and that maximize energy and resilience.

Many factors contribute to health and disease. Naturopathic doctors treat the whole person by addressing the totality of what is disrupting health, rather than isolated body parts or symptoms.

The role of a naturopathic doctor includes teaching patients how to achieve wellness. Naturopathic doctors empower patients with knowledge about how to take control of their present and future health.

Naturopathic doctors graduate from naturopathic medical schools, accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME), and are licensed in Oregon as primary care physicians.

View Dr. Dickey’s wellness services here.

Naturopathic Therapies: Gentle, Safe, Effective

Nutritional Medicine. Food is often the best therapeutic and preventive medicine. Many medical conditions can be treated effectively with dietary changes and nutritional supplements. I can advise you about an individualized Paleo diet, Weston Price traditional diet principles, and low-carbohydrate nutrition. She also provides information about therapeutic diets for conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and diabetes.

Botanical Medicine. Herbs are effective and safe when used properly, and their organic nature makes them compatible with the body’s own chemistry. Herbs can improve many acute conditions, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infections, and strep throat, as well as chronic conditions such as chronic kidney disease, eczema, high blood pressure, and psoriasis.

Homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines strengthen and stimulate our innate healing responses, and can help conditions that are not responsive to allopathic medicine.

Physical Medicine. These treatments, including Ortho-Bionomy and hydrotherapy, gently stimulate the body’s innate healing processes, promote pain relief, and stimulate immune function.

Counseling. Emotional states and stress reduction are important elements in healing and disease prevention. I am experienced in helping with these.

hedge-tunnelDetoxification: Essential for Wellness

Internal toxins are an underlying cause of all disease states. Modern humans are exposed to amounts of toxins that are unprecedented in history, from sources such as air pollution, agricultural chemicals, mercury amalgam fillings, pesticides, and medications. The declining health of the population reflects this heavy burden of toxins.

Everyone has some degree of toxic burden and needs to detoxify, if they want to restore or safeguard their health. When disease-producing toxins are eliminated, physiology is able to normalize, function improves, and health can be restored. The implications for health rejuvenation and long-term prevention are enormous.

Learn more: The Healing Power of Biotherapeutic Drainage.pdf

Begin rejuvenating today!


Dr. Liz Dickey, ND, LMSW, 960 E. 20th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97405
541.465.1155 / remedy@drlizdickey.com

Background photo by Marcus Ryan, Lambley Nursery, Ascot Australia